Friday, September 30, 2011

God's Love for All His Children

We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father.  Because of that love He has always called Prophets to testify of His Son.  Christ Himself came to minister among men.  A record of His life, death, and resurrection is contained in the Holy Bible.  The Bible testifies of Christ's divinity.

Another record is now available in our day.  This record is the Book of Mormon.  It is another testament of Jesus Christ.  It tells of God's dealings with His children in the Americas.  God called prophets among them.  These prophets testified of Christ's life, death, and resurrection.  They also prophecied that Christ would visit God's children in the Americas after His resurrection.

The testimonies of Christ that are contained in the Book of Mormon have changed my life.  I know of God's love for every person in every nation: that includes me.  I know I am loved and watched over by a Father of infinite wisdom, compassion, and mercy.  I know that Christ did feel my every sorrow and heartache. More importantly I know that if I follow the Savior I can return to my Father.

I also know that God has still called living prophets in our day.  If that were not so, then the Book of Mormon would never have come forth.  If God had not called a prophet today, His priesthood power would be absent from the earth.  But I know that He has restored all things pertaining to His church and gospel.

God loves all His children.  Prophets spoke of Christ.  Prophets still speak of Christ.  We have two witnesses to these truths, namely, The Holy Bible and The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

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